Initial statements from Iran and Ukraine were contradictory, and the cause of the crash remains unclear. The plane’s so-called black boxes could help, but Iranian officials may not turn them over to Boeing.
>>>Western intelligence showed that Iran was responsible for the plane crash, suggesting that the deaths of those aboard were a consequence of the heightened tensions between Washington and Iran.
>>>Western intelligence showed that Iran was responsible for the plane crash, suggesting that the deaths of those aboard were a consequence of the heightened tensions between Washington and Iran.
Western intelligence showed that Iran was responsible for the plane crash, suggesting that the deaths of those aboard were a consequence of the heightened tensions between Washington and Iran.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran deeply regrets this disastrous mistake,” President Hassan Rouhani said, as Iran reversed its claims that mechanical failure was to blame.
“Of the 176 victims, 57 Canadians died on the flight that crashed on its way from Tehran to Ukraine. Many were students or faculty at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.
The military said that the Ukraine passenger jet had been misidentified as a cruise missile flying over Tehran.
Remarkably, some criticism is coming from some within the government’s hard-line power base.
The announcement comes as American and allied intelligence assessments have suggested that Iranian missiles brought down the plane, most likely by accident.
Iran Admits to Shooting Down Ukrainian Plane The Iranian military announced on Saturday that it had accidentally shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet, blaming human error at a moment of heightened tensions.